What are atropine and antidotes …

And what is the antidote used for?

The aim of the study is the optimal antidote for the immediate management of nerve agents or other cholinergic syndrome-related toxicities. Large-scale exposure to nerve agents and organophosphate pesticides can result in many victims requiring medical treatment in a short period of time.近視加深

How often is used to treat bradycardia?

is the drug of choice for treating symptomatic bradycardia. The ACLS algorithm dosing for bradycardia is 1 mg IV bolus repeated every 3 to 5 minutes for a total dose not to exceed 3 mg. Dopamine: Used for treatment when is ineffective. It is a second-line drug for symptomatic bradycardia. Dose 5-20 mcg

When should be administered?

atropine injections are given before anesthesia to reduce mucus secretions such as saliva. Atropine is used to keep the heartbeat normal during anesthesia and surgery. Atropine sulfate monohydrate can also be used to block or reverse certain types of side effects caused by certain drugs and pesticides.

Why does atropine cause early bradycardia?

Abstract: Background Background: Low-dose atropine can cause bradycardia by acting on the central atrial node, affecting central muscarinic receptors, and increasing vagal nerve activity.

Is atropine a strong drug?

Atropine (octopus skin) is a natural alkaloid and typical anticholinergic drug found as a secondary metabolite of plants of the Solanaceae family, including Atropa belladonna. Atropine has potent and broad-spectrum nonspecific antimuscarinic effects.

Why is it called atropine?

The genus name () and Deadly Tuberose come from Atropos, one of the three goddesses of fate in Greek mythology. The goddess of fate decides how a person dies. Atropine is present in many plants of the Solanaceae family. The most common sources are Atropa belladonna, Datura inoxia, D.<FC-1f0a52d63ef1752824a01ab88e0c6792>

What is atropine used for?

Atropine (A troe peen) is useful in treating a variety of conditions. This drug is used to reduce saliva and fluid in the airways during surgery. It is also used as an insecticide and to treat mushroom poisoning. It can be used to treat slow heart rate in emergencies.

Can atropine cause gastrointestinal cramps?

Normally, when acetylcholine acts on these receptors, the muscles in your intestines contract. Atropine blocks this contraction, thereby helping the intestinal muscles to relax. This reduces involuntary muscle contractions and spasms.

Is atropine a muscarinic drug?

Atropine is a related muscarinic antagonist that shares the same biosynthetic pathway as scopolamine and is used in ophthalmology as a nystagmus drug and eye drops, and is also used to treat fundus diseases.

What does atropine drip do?

This drug works by blocking the chemical acetylcholine, which relaxes the ciliary muscles of the eye and dilates the pupils. This drug is only available with a doctor’s prescription.近視加深原因


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